
Welcome to EverydayHairInspiration.com!

This blog is written and edited by me and only me. I’m not a trained hairstylist, I’m self-taught and just love everything hair! The tricks and tips I share, works for me, but may not work for you.

I do earn money on the ads displayed on the blog and on my YouTube videos. You will see ads in my sidebars and footers – and I do receive compensation for these as well. Because I earn money on the ads, I can do this as my job and I can spend more time, creating blogpost and new videos for you guys. Even tough I do get paid, it will never influence my content and my opinion on different products. All opinions are my 100% my own. If I recommend a product, its because I like/use it myself I truly believe it will benefit you guys!


Affiliate Disclaimer

Some of the links on this blog is affiliate links (all links will be marked with a star*). That means that at no additional cost to you, I will earn commission, if you click through the link and make a purchase.If you sign up for any deals or products I recommend on the blog, I may be receiving a referral credit for you doing so. If you use the links, thank you! It helps me making my passion for hair and blogging into a living and making this place even better for you guys!


Amazon Affiliate Disclosure Notice

Everydayhairinspiration.com is a participant in the Amazon Affiliate Program. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Again, that means that if you click trough my amazon links and make a purchase, I earn a small commission with no additional cost to you.

All efforts are made to ensure that affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC.


Foxylocks Extensions

I sometimes receive hair extensions from Foxylocks. I’m not getting paid to say anything about them and my opinion is 100% my own. I use them myself and would never recommend a product I don’t use myself or think would benefit my readers! I do have an affiliate code “FoxyAmalie” and if that code is used, the person using the code will get a free gift at checkout on Foxylocks.com. When the code is used, I will earn a small commission with no additional cost to you. If you use the code, thank you!


(Updated January 3, 2019)


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