Braided Viking Hairstyle For Beginners – 3 Strand Braid – Half Up Half Down Hairstyle

If you want to try out a unique and beautiful braided half up half down hairstyle, then this hairstyle is for you!

All you need to know is how to do a basic 3-strand braid and that’s it!

This post is all about how to do an easy braided viking hairstyle!

braided viking hairstyle



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Simple Braided Viking Hairstyle For Beginners

Covering the elastics

If you try out this braid, but you don’t feel like covering the elastics, then skip that step! You can also buy some hair jewelry/cuffs to put on top of the elastics. That way you also add some sparkle to the style!

If you do want to cover the elastics, but have no idea how to go about it, then I have linked a video below showing you 3 different ways you can do it!

You can also do some colored elastics and that way you don’t need to cover them because they already add to the look of the hairstyle!


How to take out all the elastics

Taking out the elastics in this hairstyle would be horrible if you had to take out every single one and quite painful. But luckily you can buy this tiny tool, that will make the process of taking down the hairstyle SO much easier and cute the time way down!

This little tool can cut out the elastics in seconds without cutting your hair. It’s so easy to use and is a must-have for hairstyling! – Click below to buy!

elastic cutter

elastic remover

This post was all about how to create a braided viking hairstyle for beginners!


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