How To Ladder Braid – Easy Braided Half Up Half Down Hairstyle

This ladder braid is such a gorgeous braid and it sort of gives me wearable everyday GOT hair vibes. What do you think?

Half up half down hairstyles are some of my favorite to do! It’s practical because your hair is out of your face, but still beautiful, and a very feminine way to style your hair!

This post is all about how to ladder braid!

Ladder braid step by step ladder braid

If you are looking for the perfect braided bridesmaid half-up half-down hairstyle, then you have found what you are looking for! You can then decide if you want the braid to start right in front of your forehead leaving no hair fringe down, leaving the fringe out, or just pulling some hair out to frame the face.

The ladder braid hairstyle is perfect for adults as well as kids! And if you know how to french braid, then you know all the techniques you need, in order to do this braid!



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How To Ladder Braid Step By Step For Beginners


Ladder braid step-by-step guide

Time requirement: 15-20 minutes

Braiding level: Medium

  1. Take a section of hair at the front of your face and split it into 3 equal sections
  2. Cross the top strand over and into the middle, so this is now the middle strand
  3. Then cross the bottom strand over and into the middle
  4. Again cross the top strand over and into the middle
  5. Now you want to cross the bottom strand over and into the middle, but before you do that, take a small section of the strand and let it go
  6. Repeat steps 4-5 until the braid can reach the back of the head
  7. Create another braid on the other side and tie them together at the back
  8. Take a new section of hair at the front closer to your ear and split it onto 3 equal sections
  9. Then cross the top strand over and into the middle
  10. Now cross the bottoms strand over and into the middle
  11. Again cross the top strand over and into the middle, but this time add the first section of hair hanging down from the previous braid
  12. Repeat steps 10-11 until there are no more sections of hair you can add to the braid
  13. Create another braid on the other side and tie them together at the back

how to ladder braid


Other braided half-up hairstyles up might like

This tripel braided half-up hairstyle is perfect if you are not a great braider, as you only have to do a basic 3 strand and then connect them with elastics! You can do more or fewer layers of braids, a single or a double braid would look beautiful as well!

If the ladder braid is above your braiding level right now, then try out this double braided half-up. It gives off the same vibe, but I would say this is a whole lot easier to do, so give it a try!


If you want to go a different direction you can give a waterfall braid a try! Here are 4 different versions I have done tutorials on and they look stunning!! There is one for all braiding level so if you are not that good at braiding, you can still do it!

This post was all about how to do this beautifully braided half up half down ladder braid for beginners!



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