4 Faux Fishtail Braids For Beginners – No Braid Hairstyles

A fishtail braid can be a bit hard to do and it can get loose and unravel quite quickly if it moves too much, so today I’m going to show you 4 different ways to do faux fishtail braids, which will last for a long time because they are made purely with elastics and no braiding!

This post is all about how to do 4 different faux fishtail braids!

faux fishtail braids

How to do a fake fishtail braid for beginners

Below you can see an easy step-by-step tutorial to a basic faux fishtail braid and this is going to be the basic move in all 4 faux fishtail braids! This can also be found in the video.

How to faux fishtail braid – Easy step-by-step guide

  1. Take a small section of hair from both sides of the head
  2. Tie the hair into a small ponytail
  3. flip the hair towards the head and back down, so the ponytail has been flipped once
  4. Pull in the sides of the hair to give the “braid” more volume
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 until your braid is done


How to take hair elastics out without pain!

If you have done a faux fishtail braid, you have used quite a lot of elastics and if you try to just pull them out, you will be in a lot of pain and lose quite a bit of hair – so let’s not do that!

So to not let that happen, get this elastic cutter tool shown below. It will cut out each elastic in milliseconds! It only costs a couple of dollars and will make your life 10 times better!

Hair elastic cutter



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Easy fishtail braid for beginners

How to Fishtail Braid For Beginners

If you don’t want to create a fake fishtail braid, then here is an easy tutorial teaching you how to do a basic fishtail braid as a complete beginner!


Fishtail Braid 6 Different Ways For Complete Beginners

If a basic fishtail braid is not enough for you, then give this video a try! Here I´m teaching you 6 different ways to fishtail braid, there are dutch versions, french versions, and the basics, so all is covered!


Fishtail Braid Your Own Hair In 5 Different Ways

If you want to braid your own hair into a fishtail braid, then here I have put together 5 different ways to do a fishtail braid in your own hair! Easy step-by-step tutorial, showing you every single step you need to style your own hair!


This post was all about how you can learn how to create faux fishtail braids as a complete beginner!


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