How To Fake French Braid For Beginners! ONLY ELASTICS No Braiding!

If you don’t know how to french braid, but want a hairstyle that gives the same vibe, without braiding, then this fake french braid is perfect for you!

This post is all about how to fake a french braid!

Fake French braid easy Fake French braid

You won’t need to use colored elastics, you can use clear ones or some that match your hair color to make them “disappear” or be less visible.

You can also do this style in a double “braid”, just split the hair into 2 equal sections down the back of the head and then do



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Easy & Simple fake French braid tutorial

How to fake a french braid step by step for beginners

Time requirement: 20 minutes

Braiding level: Easy

  1. Take a small section of hair on the top of your head and tie it into a small ponytail
  2. Take a small section of hair on both sides of the previous ponytail
  3. Pull the hair over the ponytail and secure the hair into a new ponytail
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 until there is no more hair to add to the braid
  5. Now take the bottom ponytail and slit it into 2 equal sections
  6. Pull the 2 sections around the other ponytail and secure it with an elastic
  7. Repeat steps 5-6 until you reach the end of the hair

How to fake a french braid


Other French braid hairstyles to try

Easy Faux French Braid For Beginners

If you want a french fake french braid that looks more like a french braid than the elastic version above, then give this tutorial a try! All you need to know is how to do a basic 3 strand braid and then the rest is pulling hair through the braid back and forth.


How to French Braid Your Own Hair

If you want to try out a normal french braid, then this is my best tutorial, which will teach you everything you need to know, and you can just play the video and follow along! Such a great hairstyle when you are running late!


How to Basic French Braid For Beginners

If you have to braid someone else’s hair or just want to learn the technique behind a french braid, then this video is for you! A simple step by step guide showing you everything from start to finish!


This post is all about how to create a fake french braid for complete beginners!


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