How To Braid Your Own Hair – Beginners Needs To Start Here!!

If you would like to learn how to braid, but you don’t know where to start, because there are so many braids to choose from, then I have put together these 3 braids in 1 video, that I would recommend for any beginner.

All 3 braids have the same base technique, but for the french braid and dutch braid, there are a few steps added. When you become really good at these braids, you will be able to braid your hair in less than 5 minutes!

This post is all about how to braid your own hair for beginners!

French braids

3 Must-Try Braids For Beginners

First, start out with learning the basic braid. I would recommend doing the basic braid about 10 times or more, so you really get the feel of where the strands are going and how the technique works.

When you have mastered the basic braid, then move on to the french braid, as the core of the braid the same, but in the french braid you just add some hair from the sides into the braid. Like the basic braid, I would reccomend braiding your hair into a french braid a few times, before moving on to the next braid.

So you made it to the dutch braid! This braid has 99% the same technique as the french braid. The only differens is that you cross the hair under instead of over.

So before you try a dutch braid, go back to the basic braid, and try braiding it again, but this time try braiding the hair under instead of over, to get a feel of how the dutch braid works.


Things you will need to create these 3 braided hairstyles

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Basic braids for beginners

How to 3 strand braid your own hair

A regular 3 strand braid is such a great braid to know, for when you are running late for work or if you just need your hair out of your face, but is not feeling a basic ponytail.

If you have longer hair, you can wrap your basic braid into a low bun and secure it with a second elastic for a classic bun hairstyle, that takes less than 3 minutes!


How to french braid your own hair

Who doesn´t love a good old french braid! It’s such a great hairstyle to know and it’s very easy to do, once you get the hang of it! If you don’t feel link doing one big braid, then just split your hair down the back of your head and then do double french braids!


How to dutch braid your own hair

To make a dutch braid really easy, you should focus on the hand placement. Bringing the hair under can be quite a challenge. But you place the strand in your hand the right way, it becomes very easy to braid your hair into a dutch braid!


This post is all about how to braid for beginners, showing you 3 easy braided hairstyles for a quick everyday hairstyle!


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