How To Curl Hair With A Hair Straightener – Long Lasting Curls

Knowing how to curl your hair with a straightener is such a good skill to have because you can create so many different styles of curls with it and you can also straighten your hair – All within 1 tool!

I love curling my hair with a hair straightener because it takes me a lot less time than with a traditional curling iron and these curls last me about 3 days! If you are traveling you also only need to bring 1 hair tool!

This post is all about curling hair with a hair straightener for beginners!

How to curl hair How to curl hair with straightener

Curling Your Hair With A Flat Iron

There are many different ways to curl your hair and many ways to hold the straightener. In the TikTok below, I’m showing you the difference between holding the hair straightener horizontally vs. vertically, which will give you 2 different curls. In this video, I’m showing you the way I believe is the easiest for beginners to learn, which is holding the hair straightener horizontally.

Holding the hair straightener horizontally vs. vertically

@everydayhairinspirationBeach or Hollywood curl?? ☀️🎬 ##curls ##hairstylestutorials ##howtocurl ##howtocurlyourhair ##beachcurl ##hollywoodcurls♬ Check It Out – Oh The Larceny


How To Curl Your Own Hair In 4 Simple Steps:

Curling your own hair with a hair straightener is easy once you get the hang of it, so here are 4 simple steps you need to follow if you want to curl your hair with a flat iron! For more detail and a full follow-along tutorial, watch the video below!

  1. pick up a section of hair and place it in the straighter
  2. Twist the straightener 1 full time around, twisting downwards
  3. Glide the straightener down the hair
  4. Grab the curl and twist it into place


Things and Tools I Used To Curl My Hair

Here is a list of all the products I have used on my hair when curling it. The links below are affiliate links. That means that at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through the link and make a purchase. Read more on my disclosure page click here.

Find all of my recommendations on hair products here – Clik here to read!


The Preparations 

The prep of the hair begins when you are in the shower. The products you use to wash your hair with, have a great impact on how your hair will look after it´s styled. The better you take care of your hair the more shiny and bouncy your curls will be! So here are the products I use on my hair on washday! I have fine oily hair, so these are some products that have been working great for me.




The Straightener

You don’t need a really expensive straightener to create these beautiful curls. I mean it would be nice to have a GDH or a Dyson straightener, but less can also do the job. The straightener I´m using is from Remington and cost about 45$.

The only thing your straightener needs, to be able to create curls, is to have a rounded barrel, so the hair can glide easily around it.

I have listed some straighteners similar to mine below with some different price points. Mine is not available anymore, but I wouldn’t recommend mine anyway, because when you use it your hand keeps hitting the heat switch, and it gets turned to full heat all the time and it gets ridiculously hot. But Remington as a brand is fine for the price and this is my second iron from them!




Heat protection 

Heat protection is so important! The hair oil I use (Linked in the prep section) does protect my hair from heat, but I don’t put it all over my hair, so I like to use a spray as well, so no hair is damaged.
The heat protection I use is the GHD bodyguard spray. I have been using it for years and your hair will smell like an expensive hairdresser! Highly recommend it!




This post is all about how to curl your hair with a flat iron and create big bouncy curls for beginners!


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