4 Strand Flat Braid Step By Step

The 4 strand flat braid is a captivating hairstyle where the strands are weaved tighter to create a beautiful hairstyle filled with detail! 

This post is all about how to 4-strand flat braid!

Picture of a hairdresser doll, with a 4 strand flat braid, braided in the hair.

How to 4-strand braid for beginners

This braid is a great all-over hairstyle, whether it’s a casual or special occasion, this braid can elevate your look with grace and elegance! It’s perfect for a ponytail, half up half down, pigtails, and more! 

Before braiding your hair, which can be quite tricky, you can practice the 4-strand flat braid with some yarn. Simply take 4 strands, tape them to the end of your table or around a door handle and follow the tutorial. Once you have mastered the technique, you can move on to hair.


Be creative

A 4 strand flat braid is not only for hair and hairstyles. You can do this technique with other materials and make cute bracelets, belts, key chains, hair accessories, and much more! You can choose yarn, paracord, macrame, leather, or whatever you have lying around to create a 4 strand flat braid!


Tools I’m using to create a flat 4 strand braid

You don’t need that many things to do lots of hairstyles, but there are a few basic items, that you need. Most of them you probably already have at home, but if you don’t then these are few items I would recommend having!

  1. Hairbrush – To make sure your hair is tangle-free
  2. Hair elastics – Choose some that match your hair color to make them disappear. You can also choose some colorful ones to spice things up
  3. Hairspray – To set the hair into place and manage those ends of hair that might stick out
  4. Grip powder – to give the hair more texture and grip which will make it easier to braid


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4 strand flat braid


Step-by-step guide to four-strand braid your hair

Time requirement: 10 min

Skill level: Medium


Prep your hair:

Before braiding your hair, it’s a good idea to brush your hair through, so all tangles are gone and won’t interrupt you while braiding!

If you have fine or slippery hair, you might want to add some texturizing powder to add grip to the hair, so it won’t slip out of your hands and the braid won’t unravel quickly!

  1. Split your hair into 4 equal section
  2. Then take the right strand and cross it over the first strand, then under the next strand and over the last strand. (The right strand has moved from the right side to the left side)
  3. – You can keep repeating “Over, under, and over” while braiding, as that is the only thing you do, and always with the right strand
  4. Repeat step 2 until you reach the bottom of the hair
  5. Now tie the braid with an elastic
  6. Pull in the sides of the braid to give the braid more volume and add some hairspray to keep the hair in place



This post was all about how to do a 4 strand flat braid step by step as a complete beginner!



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5 Easy Braids In A Ponytail – Braids For Beginners

4 Strand Braids 3 Different Ways

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