Pull Through Braids Step By Step For Beginners

If you want a hairstyle that lasts all day, then try out pull through braids! They require no braiding because they are only made from elastics and thy ponytails! So a perfect beginner-friendly hairstyle!

This post is all about to to do pull through braids!

pull through braids

How to do a pull through braid for beginners

If you really love the look of a dutch braid, but cannot for your life braid one, then maybe you should try a pull-through braid instead! It’s an absolutely beautiful braid and you can make it as big or as small as you want! There is no braiding involved, only small ponytails all the way down the back of your head! Can it be more easy than that? I don’t think so!

If your hair is on the shorter side, then you can still get a big voluminous braid like people with long hair. A result you might not be able to get with other braids! But because the braid is built up on ponytails, your hair doesn’t need to be that long to do a pull through braid!


Things you might need to create pull through braids

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Step by step guide on how to pull through braid

Time requirement: 15-20 minutes depending on the hair length

Skill level: Easy


How to pull through braid

  1. Grab a section of hair on top of the head and tie the hair into a ponytail
  2. Take the end of the ponytail and clip it up, so it’s out of the way
  3. Then take a new horizontal section of hair and tie it onto a ponytail
  4. Then take out the hairclip from the first ponytail so you now have 2 ponytails on top of each other
  5. Now split the top ponytail into 2 equal sections
  6. Then pull the bottom ponytail up through the 2 halves from before and clip it down with a hair clip
  7. Again take a new horizontal section of hair, including the 2 halves from before, and tie all the hair into a ponytail
  8. Repeat steps 4-8 until there is no more hair for you to add to the braid
  9. When there is no more hair to add to the braid, you are going to give the braid some volume, by pulling in the sides of the “loops” you have created in the previous steps (Please watch the videos, for clear visual)
  10. Now take the top ponytail and split it into 2
  11. Then wrap the 2 halves around the bottom ponytail and tie the 2 halves together into one ponytail
  12. Gently pull in the sides of the loops you just created to give the braid lots of volume
  13. Repeat steps 10-12 until you reach the end of the hair, then pinch the 1 ponytail together and tie the braid off



Other pull through braid tutorials for you to try out!

How to pull through braid your own hair

What I love the most about doing a pull through braid on yourself, is that it’s one of the few braids, where you can actually let go of the hair and let your arms get a break! It’s really easy to do on yourself and this braid lasts for a long time!


Double pull through braids

This is the easiest dutch braid alternative that anyone can do! Its so simple and will last so long, so you could probably sleep with this braid and wake up with beautiful hair! But do remember to do double elastics, because if one of your elastics snaps, you have to undo the whole braid and redo that one ponytail. So use 2 elastics!


How To Pull through Braid Updo – Easy Braided Updo For Complete Beginners

If you have a special occasion coming up, but don’t know what to do with your hair, then a simple pull through braided updo is perfect! It’s easy to do and you can let go and check how it looks with a mirror while doing it if you try it out in your own hair!


This post is all about learning how to do pull through braids as a complete beginner!


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