3 Strand Braid – How To Braid Hair For Complete Beginners

How to 3 strand braid is what we are looking at today! If you have no idea how to braid hair, then this is the braid, to begin with.

A 3 strand braid is the foundation to most braids, so when you know the technique behind this braid, then you would be able to understand the technique behind a lot more braids!

This post is all about how to braid a 3 strand braid for beginners!

3 strand braid

How to braid for complete beginners

A 3 strand braid is a great braid to know, as it’s so quick to do, so it’s perfect for the late mornings or when you just need to get your hair tied away. There are only 2 steps to this braid after you have parted the hair, so it’s not that complicated to do.

You can also split the hair into 2 equal sections down the back of the head before braiding, so you can do some braided pigtails. It’s also a great hairstyle to protect your hair at night and as a bonus when you undo your braid in the morning, you will have some nice heatless waves!

Things you might need to braid

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How to Braid Hair

If you have never braided before and you want to braid your own hair, then I would recommend trying to braid someone else’s hair first, so you can see and learn how the braiding pattern works. Then try braiding your own hair when you got the technique down.

For a tutorial on how to braid on other people and how to braid your own hair – scroll down.






Step 1: Split your hair into 3 equal sections

Step 2: Cross the right strand over and into the middle

Step 3: Cross the left strand over and into the middle

Step 4: Cross the right strand over and into the middle

Step 5: Cross the left strand over and into the middle

Step 6: Cross the right strand over and into the middle

Step 7: Cross the left strand over and into the middle

Step 8: Repeat steps 2-7 until you reach the end of the hair


This post was all about how you learn how to 3 strand braid hair easily for beginners!


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