Diamond Braid Step by Step

This diamond braid has been everywhere on Youtube and Instagram lately, so of course, I had to show you guys how to do this unique and beautiful hairstyle.

This is an advanced braid, but I feel that what makes this braid difficult is maneuvering the hair around and not the steps themselves, so when you have the hand placement down, this is actually quite easy, it just takes a while.

This post is all about how to diamond braid!

In this braid, I used a couple of extensions to make the braid thicker, but if you don’t have extensions you don’t have to do that! You can just take some bigger sections and use some styling powder to give the hair some grip and also thicken up the hair.

This hairstyle looks amazing with straight hair, but to give the hairstyle a more soft feminine feel, pick your favorite curling iron and curl the hair hanging down!



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Infinity diamond braid for beginners

This diamond braid is actually just a normal infinity braid, that you add hair to, to make it wider towards the middle, and then take out hair to make it thinner again towards the bottom of the braid to give the diamond braid.

If you don’t know how to infinity braid, then I would recommend starting there. When you have the “basic” braid down, then come back to this diamond braid and work on adding and taking out hair. An easy step-by-step video is linked below!



TIME REQUIREMENT: 10-15 minutes




Step 1: Pick up a small section in the middle of the back of your head (this is the wrapping section)

Step 2: Pick up a new small section on the right of the wrapping section

Step 3: Wrap the wrapping section over and under the right strand

Step 4: Pick up a new small section on the left of the wrapping section

Step 5: Wrap the wrapping section over and under the left strand

Step 6: Pick up a new section of hair on the right side and add it to the right strand

Step 7: Wrap the wrapping section over and under the right strand

Step 8: Pick up a new section of hair on the left side and add it to the left strand

Step 9: Wrap the wrapping section over and under the left strand

Step 10: Continue steps 6-10 until you reach just above your ears

Step 11: Take a small section of hair from the right strand and leave it out of the braid

Step 12: Wrap the wrapping section over and under the right strand, without the small strand

Step 13: Take a small section of hair from the left strand and leave it out of the braid

Step 14: Wrap the wrapping section over and under the left strand, without the small strand

Step 15: Again, take a small section of hair from the right strand and leave it out of the braid

Step 16: Wrap the wrapping section over and under the right strand, without the small strand

Step 17: Again, take a small section of hair from the left strand and leave it out of the braid

Step 18: Wrap the wrapping section over and under the left strand, without the small strand

Step 19: Continue steps 11-18 until you reach the end of the braid and then tie off the hair

Step 20: You are done with your diamond braid!


This post was all about how to create a unique half up half down diamond braid hairstyle for beginners


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